Lepšie monitorovanie, lepšie zdravie

Sledujte všetky svoje životné funkcie a zvládajte chronické stavy pomocou jednoduché, rýchlej a dostupnej aplikácie telemon

Pre pacientov

Monitorujte vitálne funkcie každý deň v pohodlí domova

Som Pacient

Pre poskytovateľov

Zvyšte Efektivitu, Monitorovanie Zdravia a Príjmy

Som Poskytovateľ

Cenovo dostupné riešenie na vzdialené monitorovanie a starostlivosť o pacientov

Použiteľné s akýmkoľvek inteligentným zdravotníckym prístrojom

Rôznych značiek a automaticky sledujte svoje vitálne funkcie

Zvládnite akúkoľvek chronickú chorobu

Vytvorte alebo upravte personalizovaný plán starostlivosti pre akékoľvek chronické ochorenie

Všetky informácie o pacientovi v jednej ľahko použiteľnej aplikácii

Sledujte svoje vitálne funkcie, nastavte si pripomenutia pre svoj jedálniček, kedy užiť lieky a podobne.


Monitorovanie zachraňuje životy

Podľa štúdií môže monitorovanie chronických zdravotných stavov prostredníctvom telemedicínskej služby znížiť úmrtnosť až o 56 %

Dozvedieť sa viac
Monitorujte dôležité zdravotné stavy

Prevezmite kontrolu nad svojím zdravím

Po Covid-19
Pooperačná starostlivosť doma
Kardiovaskulárne ochorenia
Diabetes mellitus
Chronická obštrukčná choroba pľúc
Metabolický syndróm
Prispôsobiteľné pre akúkoľvek inú chronickú chorobu

Čo ľudia hovoria o telemon

MD. Jozef Lacka PhD., MBA

‘’We can see how the patient is getting on, how their health condition is being developed, and we monitor its progress. Moreover, telemon shows us how well the patient takes care of themselves. We have the proofs that regular measurements of vital functions help to improve the parameters of patient`s conditions. It is a kind of materialisation of treatment efforts for both parties.’’

MD. Viliam Cibik PhD.

‘’Telemon gives us more data on the patient`s condition, as well as a more detailed view of their health state. A patient will be more under control, even though their visits to clinics will be limited. The available data lead to a more effective and even more successful correction of treatment.’’

MD. Jozef Lacka PhD., MBA

‘’Telemedicine should become a standard part of chronical disease treatment. Another benefit it brings about is the aggregation of data in one place. We have more data on clients that one would ever be able to collect during an ambulatory care. We can see clear trends. We can make better decisions and really tailor the treatment.’’

MD. Rastislav Zanovit

‘’Telemedicine could help us decrease the number of hospitalisations as well as many doctor visits to patients. A doctor can react more promptly and set up timely treatment so that the patient`s condition is not addressed the moment when they are already decompensated.’’

MD. Viliam Cibik PhD.

‘’Some patients were worried how they would cope with this new method. However, they perceive telemedicine as an interesting novelty. Most patients are pleased and grateful. ’’

MD. Rastislav Zanovit

‘’In our rural region, accessibility to hospitals and doctors is very poor. There is a lack of qualified doctors. Measurements are carried out by a nurse and a doctor does not need to be around. A doctor functions only as “a software” who makes a conclusion. Doctors can evaluate the results and set up treatment remotely.’’